Let's Try This Again

So remember yesterday I talked about commitments this month?  Well, one is that I’m going to try Advocare again.  I blogged about it back in August, I think, when I first started doing it.  I kind of got off track that time, and didn’t really make it through the 24 Day Challenge all that well, so I didn’t lose much weight.  And then I went to China, and then I came back and tried to pick up on Advocare again, but I had been eating all kinds of junk since I did the cleanse, so it had an adverse effect on me.  So now I’m going to give the challenge one more try, and hopefully I’ll make it all the way through this time.  That’s the plan anyway.  I know a few people that have had a lot of success with it, so I hope to as well.

I really like the Advocare program, and I was disappointed that I didn’t feel well after trying it after I got back from China.  But I was taking some additional pills then, and I didn’t really like taking quite so many pills.  I’m cutting those out this time, if nothing else than to make myself more comfortable with the approach I’m taking.  Other than the supplements, Advocare’s plan is mostly just clean eating.  It actually follows along pretty well with the paleo diet.  I like the idea of eating clean, I’m just really bad at it.  (The same could be said for running as well!)

So here’s hoping it works out better this time.  I’m starting tomorrow, so I’ll keep you updated!
