Hey there! It’s been a while. Looks like the last time I posted was when I was getting ready to head to Celebrity Fan Fest in San Antonio. Which… was cancelled. Sigh. So that’s twice now that I thought I was going to have the opportunity to get a photo with Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen (aka the epitome of a Jedi Fangirl), and then it fell through. Oh wait… you have no idea? Well, let me backtrack a little…
So, first of all, I’m a big Star Wars fan. Or Star Wars nerd, depending on how you look at it. I actually started a Star Wars fan site a few years ago, called Jedi Fangirl. I kind of fell off from my involvement with it, but then Star Wars Celebration in 2020 looked like a fun event, and I had covered previous Star Wars Celebrations as media before. So I hoped to be able to do it again for the Jedi Fangirl site. I got very into covering all Star Wars news on it and even started a podcast. I made plans to attend ACE Comic Con in Boston, where I had purchased a photo op with Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen – two of their main guests and also the actors who played my favorite Jedi in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.
And then… COVID happened. The world changed – or mostly, closed. I got some pretty severe anxiety. Star Wars Celebration 2020 got cancelled. And I honestly saw no need to continue doing anything with Jedi Fangirl. So it pretty much… died. I still like the concept of it; I always have. But I had absolutely no motivation to continue with it. And honestly, I have a lot of interests that don’t always involve Star Wars. I feel like the “girl vs planet” concept of this site encompasses what I’m going for a bit better.
Fast forward to 2021. The pandemic seemed to be getting somewhat better, and events started happening again. Like Celebrity Fan Fest in San Antonio. Somehow, they managed to get my favorite Jedi duo as planned guests as well. A second chance! And then… Omicron happened. Ugh. So much for those second chances.
And now, here we are. It’s 2022, and events are starting to happen. Again. Jedi Fangirl still exists, but I haven’t done anything with it in a while. Meanwhile, I started a YouTube channel for girl vs planet. I know, I know, I haven’t posted a video on there in a while either, but I got behind. It’s hard to find motivation to edit video footage from things that happened a while ago. But I’m trying to catch up, and hope to be back to posting videos regularly.
So that’s where we’re at. I’m essentially merging Jedi Fangirl in with girl vs planet. Any association with Jedi Fangirl will direct you here. Where I also plan to post about Star Wars things as well, including covering Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2022, which is next week. And I even get a chance yet again to meet Ewan McGregor, so let’s hope the third time’s a charm! Stay tuned… I’m glad to be back, and looking forward to sharing my adventures (in multiple galaxies) with you again.
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