Hey, guess what? I’m back! I know, I know… here I go talking about how I’m going to blog more and then I disappear for an entire month. But honestly, that is pretty much how long it has taken me to recover from Star Wars Celebration. It was a blast, and yes, I will write about it. But that will be hopefully later this week. I want to get back to this whole “Movie Mondays” idea. It’s Monday, so I’m going to write a movie review.
Big Hero 6 is actually a film that I watched a while back, and really liked it, and I’ve wanted to post a review of it ever since, but just never quite got around to it. Well, I ended up re-watching it the other day, so why not post a review of it now? Perfect, right?
So, I know I had heard of Big Hero 6 when it was out in theaters. And while I kind of wanted to see it, it just wasn’t high up on my list, so I never made it. But I eventually got around to it once it came out on DVD. And I ended up really, really liking it.
Honestly, Big Hero 6 is just one smart, fun little movie. I’m still not entirely sure where the title comes from (feel free to explain it to me in the comments and make me feel stupid). Big Hero 6 is about a kid that’s basically a genius, who really goes through some very tough stuff in life. Then he finds some friends, a villain shows up, and adventure ensues. Sounds like pretty much every other animated movie made recently, right? Eh, yes and no. Big Hero 6 is just more clever and interesting than most, at least in my book.
Then, there’s Baymax. Honestly, Baymax steals the show in Big Hero 6. I don’t want to describe too much what he is, because I don’t want to spoil too much of the movie for anyone that hasn’t seen it yet. But let me just say this… it’s hard not to fall in love with Baymax. We’ll just say, for now, that he’s basically a robot, but with a personality. Heck, if I can compare to Star Wars (you can’t be surprised)… he’s a droid. He’s cute, and simple, and funny. And without him, this movie wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. But you knew that by the movie posters, right?
I still feel like I’m not that great with movie reviews, but to sum up Big Hero 6… you have a decent story, fun characters that suck you in, and a (sort of) robot that will keep you laughing as well as cheering the heroes on until the end. So if you haven’t seen it yet, go check it out soon if you can. You won’t regret it.
You can tell it’s a movie by the way it is.
From watching it last night, I’d assume that “Big Hero 6” is the name for the group of main characters, since there are six of them and Hero is the leader.