I still can’t really believe that I’m reading as many books lately as I am, but when you’re trying to just stay home, and social media is getting kind of annoying, and the news is not that great lately in the world… you turn to ways of escape, and books are a great escape from reality. I honestly look forward to going to bed at night just so I can go to bed early and read until I fall asleep. Sleeping in and reading in bed on the weekends isn’t so bad, either. I loved this latest read, All the Broken People by Leah Konen, so much that I spent most of my weekend just charging through it. It was definitely one of those “can’t put it down” kind of books.
Plot Details
The book starts out as Lucy, the main character, is leaving her home and her now ex-boyfriend, Davis. She secretly moves from New York to Woodstock, hoping to find a quieter place to get away from the abusiveness of Davis. She meets her new neighbors, Vera and John, and immediately hits it off and starts spending a lot of time with them. But as soon as she has found them, she finds out she might lose them. They are also trying to get away from their past and are making plans to go so far as to fake John’s death and leave town. Rather than lose them, Lucy decides that it might be in her best interest to help them. Except things don’t quite go as planned…
My Thoughts
All the Broken People truly is about just that… broken people. But that honestly made it all the more interesting to me. We’re all broken people, and the characters in this book are certainly good examples of that. The characters were fleshed out just well enough that you got to know them – or at least you thought you did. You were still left guessing as to who did what even to the very end. I liked that this book didn’t take the typical path; I wasn’t able to guess all the answers by the end just by guessing “the twist”. It was enjoyable getting to know everyone in the book. They even sounded like they might be interesting to know!
I would categorize All the Broken People as a psychological thriller. It just makes sense given the name of the novel. It is also very much suspense, keeping you hanging on until the very end. You’ll definitely be trying to figure out what really happened. But where this book shines is its characters, who you’ll both enjoy getting to know and who will also continuously keep you guessing.
This one is a perfect weekend read to dive into this summer. But be careful, it might just take over your whole weekend!
Rating: 4/5 stars
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