My apologies, but tonight’s post will probably not be all that interesting. I really can’t come up with anything all that great to blog about. So I’ll just talk about what I did today.
Tonight Ricky and I did this thing called an Adventure Run. Roadrunner Sports, which is a (what else) running store (i.e. they sell tennis shoes and running gear, etc.), has these monthly events. They are the first Thursday of every month from March to November, and they call them an Adventure Run. Basically you can pre-register online or register when you show up. Check-in/registration is from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Then the run itself starts at 6:30, when they unveil a map of locations in the area. Each location you make it to, you get a raffle ticket. You can also earn raffle tickets other ways. For example, if you buy a certain t-shirt from the store and wear it during the run, you get double the amount of tickets at each location you run to. So you get an hour (until 7:30) to run/walk/crawl to as many locations on the map as you can. You make it back by 7:30, tear your tickets in half and put the halves in a big bucket that they draw from, then grab a beer and settle in and wait for them to pick the tickets for prizes. There are actually quite a few prizes, so it takes a while to draw a ticket for each one of them.
I had done the Adventure Run once before and bought a t-shirt, so I wore it. Ricky had never done it before. He runs a lot more and faster than I do, so I’m sure he probably got a little tired of me being slow and walking, but we did make it to a few places. Unfortunately, we didn’t win anything. (And honestly, they took a really long time to announce ticket numbers… we were way past ready to leave and go to Whole Foods next door to grab some pizza and beer!) But I think we’ll do it again. It’s free, and a great way to get some running in and possibly win some prizes. And, I have some time to practice, since they don’t start up again until March!
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