In 3 days, I will be heading to Portland, Oregon for the first time. It’s kind of funny that it’s my first time there, but yet I will be making the trek there again with Ricky in just over a month. This time I’m heading there alone. Well, I will be making the trip alone, but I won’t be alone much after I get there. I’m going there for something called World Domination Summit. You might be asking “what the heck is that?”. I’ve talked about it a bit on my blog and social media, but mostly just to mention that I’m going this year. So I thought before I headed out and started talking even MORE about it, I’d give some explanation about what it is and why I’m going.
What is World Domination Summit?
Hashtagged on Twitter (yep, I used hashtag as a verb – you’re welcome) as #WDS2014, World Domination Summit is defined on its website as a gathering of “a small army of remarkable people”. Still confused? Understandable. If you want the official story, it’s on their website here. But you might still be kind of lost. Here’s the story of how I came to learn about it.
A few years ago, I somehow stumbled across the blog of a guy named Chris Guillebeau. I may very well may have found it by looking for stuff having to do with travel, since you know, I’m into that. Turns out, so is this Chris guy. He’s into it a LOT. Like “hey, let’s visit every country in the world” a LOT. Now, to you that probably either sounds really cool or a little bit crazy. If you think it sounds cool, then you’re going to want to read on. If not, then well… you might just stop here, because WDS is probably not for you.
Chris’ approach to life and his stories of traveling have attracted quite a following, myself included. I own a couple of his books (including one advanced reader copy) and even went to a book signing to meet him the first week I lived in Arizona. This following of his has become so large that in 2011, Chris started an event to bring these people together. His first book is called The Art of Non-Conformity, and that was also the original title of his blog/website. It has kind of evolved from there (yes, I’ve been following for a while), but I’d say that title still sums up some of the things Chris and WDS are about pretty well. WDS really is just as it’s described – “a small army of remarkable people”. And while it is an event with activities and seminars included, I’d say it’s about the people more than anything else. People that aren’t content with just a status quo or mediocre life. People that want to make the most of what they have and live life to the fullest. And they are all excited to meet other people that do as well.
Now, I’ve been following Chris’ website since before he started WDS, but I have wanted to go ever since I first heard about it. But… well, it’s not cheap. Plus, it’s in Portland, so I’d have to pay travel expenses too. But knowing how much I have wanted for a while just to see what it’s like, this year, I bit the bullet and bought a ticket. So far, even though I’m not there yet, I have no regrets. I’ve been following #WDS2014 on Twitter and have already talked to some really interesting people and made plans to attend some fun events while I’m there. I mean, sure I’ll be around for the seminars and “official” WDS stuff, but there are so many cool social events planned outside of that as well. Like, I’m signed up for a wine crawl and photography walk. You can’t tell me that both of those don’t sound like fun in a city with the reputation of Portland!
Why am I going?
(Besides the fact that I kind of already answered that above…)
So, that’s what WDS is. And I guess somewhere in there I answered my question about why I’m going as well. But on top of just the desire to go, I think it will be good for me too. I think I’m starting to get in a funk again and get away from some of the things I like in life and the ways I want to be, the ways I know I am when I get out of my comfort zone a little. And this will definitely force me, Little Ms. Introvert, to get out of my comfort zone. I mean, I’m going alone! I don’t know anyone there. (Although a side visit to see the newly-married Ms. Gwyneth Colleen is being included in the trip also.) So the end goal… while hopefully achieving a bit of new direction in my life, is to take care of my little introvert self while also not being alone for too long, but instead among a ton of new friends. Looking forward to seeing you all there, #WDS2014ers!
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